To all the senior dogs we’ve loved before 🦴🦴🦴

Fei Jai “Puppy” Tai

Fei Jai “Puppy” Tai was a cherished member of the Tai family. Born on June 6, 2006, Puppy lived a full life with his fellow Gemini human sisters.

Born and bred in BC, Canada — in the summers, he loved to forage for blackberries growing plentiful and abundant along the forests and rural pathways of the Pacific Northwest; and in the winter, Puppy bounded through the snow — like the 7kg ball of fluffy white energy he was!

In the last years of his life, Puppy had Cushing’s disease, as well as doggy dementia. He died in the arms of loved ones, on a cold morning in February 2022. His last few months were difficult, but also invaluable given all the time, care and connection that took place.

In memory of Puppy, we offer our solidarity and support to those in the same boat.

Share your senior dog story

Let the memory of your beloved fur baby inspire others to continue on their journey during this challenging but meaningful time

Flapper and Jennifer (2006 – March 2023, 2005 – December 2019)

Best buds from the Hong Kong Dog Rescue, Flapper and Jennifer were homed together and enjoyed a life of cuddles in bed, meaty bones, and lots of hikes up the Peak. In 2018, they took the long journey to France where they lived the luxurious life on the Cote D’Azur.